Funny Quotes About Not Taking Your Ex Husband Back

33 Encouraging Divorce Quotes for Him


Kelly Roper Kelly Roper

Kelly has more than 12 years experience as a professional writer and editor.

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man crying while being consoled

Divorce quotes for him can provide encouragement, support, and maybe even a little comic relief to any guy who's ending his marriage. If you know a man who's going through a divorce, share one of these quotes with him.

Inspirational Quotes for a Man Going Through a Divorce

Any man going through a divorce can probably use some support and inspiration.

  • Going through a divorce can encase a marriage like a darkened cocoon. Just remember that when it's over, you get to emerge and fly free in the sunshine.
  • You're not less of a man because your marriage is ending. You're more of a man because you are strong enough to pull yourself out of a bad situation.
  • Every ending leads to a new beginning. Take what you've learned from your marriage and divorce and use it to put together a new life.
  • Having a marriage fail doesn't make you a failure. You're a good man, so try to move on and have a good life.
  • There's a more important relationship than the one you had with your ex; it's your relationship with yourself and the man you truly want to be. Focus on that.
  • You're not unworthy just because your ex didn't think you're worth it. Hold your head high and your self-esteem higher.
  • Your divorce won't be the entire story of your life. You still get to write a happy ending.
  • Divorce can be a life shattering event, but you'll be a stronger man when you come out on the other side of it.
  • Going through a divorce is difficult, but staying in a bad marriage is even worse. A wise man sees the difference and makes the right choice.
  • Forgive yourself for the past and concentrate on the future. You will survive your divorce and soon see all the good things waiting for you.
Inspirational divorce quotes

Funny Divorce Quotes for Him

Divorce is serious business, but that doesn't mean you can't help a guy find some humor in his situation at the same time you're offering him some encouragement.

  • Whenever you think you won't be able to live without her after the divorce, just remind yourself what it was like living with her.
  • Divorce isn't all bad. Now you won't have to fear opening your credit card bill each month.
  • Every divorce has a silver lining. Sure, she got the good silverware in the divorce, but you know what I'm trying to say, right?
  • Like a rainbow, there's a pot of gold at the end of every divorce. Yours is empty because your ex got all the money, but at least you still have a pot to...
  • Sure the divorce cost you a fortune. But every time you can enjoy a beer and watch a football game in peace, you'll remember it was money well spent.
  • Now that you're divorced, you can take up the entire bed and hog all the blankets yourself!
  • Look at the bright side. Now that you're divorced and living by yourself, pants are optional.
  • Cheer up, buddy. Think of your divorce decree as your Declaration of Independence.
  • Now that you're divorced, no more arguments about taking out the trash. You can let whatever's in that bag keep growing until it's big enough to take itself out.
  • One good thing about divorce - now you can tell her those pants really do make her butt look big.
  • When you see your ex with someone new, remind yourself what a generous man you are. You're giving something to someone who's now less fortunate than you.
  • When your ex says, "You'll never find another one like me," you reply, "That's the plan."
Funny divorce quotes for him

Words of Encouragement for a Divorced Man

A few words of encouragement could provide a lot of comfort to a guy who is recently divorced.

  • Getting divorced is like being caught in the rain. Take advantage of that rain, plant some seeds, and grow yourself a brand new life.
  • So your happily ever after didn't work out. Get that glass slipper back out and go look for the one who truly fits it.
  • Try to think of your divorce like a sunset. It brings the day to a close. Then the sun rises again the next morning. Let the sunrise symbolize your life after divorce; it's your chance for a new day and a fresh start.
  • You are a warrior. Divorce cannot defeat you because you have the strength to pick yourself up and carry on.
  • Divorce doesn't mean the end of all happiness. Pick yourself back up and go find the one who will truly make you happy.
  • You may have divorced your partner, but you haven't lost the rest of the people who love you. Lean on us and we'll lend you the strength to get through this.
  • A good man like you won't be alone for long. Now that you're divorced, trust that the true love of your life is still out there waiting for you.
  • Never lose hope. Being single again will open up a world of new opportunities for happiness.
  • It takes courage to open your heart to love again after a divorce. You, my friend, are a courageous man.
  • No matter how dark life may have been during your divorce, the sun will surely shine on you again.
  • Many a man has learned how to move on after a marriage has ended. When you're ready, you will too.
Words of encouragement for a divorced man

There Is Life After a Divorce

It's easy for a guy, or anyone, to lose perspective while going through a divorce, so don't miss the opportunity to lend your support. If you're not sure what to say, let one of these divorce quotes do the talking for you.


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